Sunday, March 7, 2010


  1. Pre- Primary- It consists of children of 3-5 years of age studying in nursery, lower kindergarten and upper kindergarten. At this stage student is given knowledge about school life and is taught to read and write some basic words.
  2. Primary - It includes the age group of children of 6-11 years studying in classes from first to fifth.
  3. Middle - It consists of children studying in classes from sixth to eighth.
  4. Secondary - It includes students studying in classes ninth and tenth.
  5. Higher Secondary - Includes students studying in eleventh and twelfth classes.
  6. Undergraduate - Here, a student goes through higher education, which is completed in college. This course may vary according to the subject pursued by the student. For medical student this stage is of four and a half years plus one year of compulsory internship, while a simple graduate degree can be attained in three years.
  7. Postgraduate - After completing graduation a student may opt for post graduation to further add to his qualifications....

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